Tuesday, October 10, 2006
I have been goin' crazy, almost literally over this performance and song. One of the most incredibly emotional song I've ever heard in all my life. I can't pin point why, but it brings me to tears. There's so much passion and depth in her vocals that's its indescribable. And that is....SoFaReal.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006

So, here's my problem: I'm working a fucking dead-end job that comsumes every bit of my life, and it's leading me to a place where I'm not only being worn down to the core, but I'm beginning to loose my individuality. I feel like everything that i do, resolves around that little place of employement named Chili's. Every since I've been there, I feel like I'm a completely different person, and I don't even know what things interest me anymore. I've been feeling these things for a while now, and yes, I've even tried to get out of this hole that I'm in by looking for another job, but nothing seems to look up for me. And it's funny how I know why I hate Chili's and why I feel like I need another job, but for some reason I'm just convinced that things will get better for me. But I truly believe that tonight was my final straw and what really set everything off for me. I was there from 5p until about 10p and I kid you not I had all of 5 tables on a Friday night, and made $20. And if there's anyone out there who knows about serving, you know damn well that i had a FUCKED-UP night. Friday fucking night. I was pissed the fucked off; and on top of that they had me doing To-Go, which i by the way, wasn't getting paid for, and I had this party with these ill-behaved ass kids who tore napkins and shit all over the fucking place, and who were fuckin' up shit all throughout the fucking restaurant. I was mad because #1) I have to clean that shit up and #2) they didn't fucking tip me shit, and took up all of two hours of my goddamn time. That's a lot of money I could have been making. And don't y'all go and start judging me and shit, talkin' bout all I care about is getting money out of people, and shit. That is not the fuckin' case. I make goddamn $2.13 and hour, none of which I see, and all of my money comes from tip. Every cent that I spend, every bill that I pay, every tank of gas that i fill...all comes from my tips. My sustaining life depends on that shit. That's why I'm fed the fuck up. I'm just tried of serving stupid-ass, ill-mannered ass people, who ain't about shit. I'm just tired of this shit. I feel like serving is a fucking trap. You get into it, and it's alright at first, but then they start wantin' you to work more shifts, do more work, stressin' you the fuck out, and on top of that I'm at a slow ass Chili's. Don't nobody give a fuck about Chili' no more. I'm just tired of it. That's my point. I can't do it no more. I'm not the person I use to be, I can never do the thing I desire to do, and I'm just losing out on the experience of life too much to continue. I feel like I don't belong to myself anymore. Who am I, and how can I go about retaining that life that was once within me? Help me find my truth....
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

"His Fire Within Me"
removing things of the past
is something undeniably tough to do
reconsiling the great emotional mass
and trying to unmark all the feelings that i felt for you
i know it's unhealthy & my mind keeps tellin' me its okay to be free
but truth be told, you're the greatest thing that's ever happened to me
its so hard to say goodbye to your yesterdays and all the things you knew to be so real
i remember when you first called me your hubby
and from that point on, i realized it was my heart you were tryna steal
but now that's all a memory of the "what was"
and as surely as dusk falls
so does the passion i once felt to which i gave my all
this is truthfully the best thing for both of us
parting separately to venture in our own ways
but still making certain, close by we'll both stay
and if fate so brings us back on some randomly appointed day
inseparable by a mutual vision of truth, love, & even lust
our hearts then must be like criss & cross---not truly one without the other
and that we must only trust.....
Thursday, September 28, 2006
After that service I was lost for what happens next. What do I do? Start dating women? Force myself into heterosexuality, something I knew nothing about; I mean, I can't pretend to be something I'm not. I'm not straight, but how do I overcome my feelings for men, when I've lived with them since I can remember. It's all I know. I've never wanted to get in a relationshp with a woman for fear of breaking her heart and not loving her the way I needed. I'd feel like I'm depriving her of all she needs and desires as a good woman loving, what is suppose to be a good man, but secretly living a lie. I don't want that for myself. I don't wanna live a life and continue something that is unreal. But on the same token, I wanna live right by God, and from what I know, who I am, is not of his will. I've been tryna figure out what it is that keep me from receiving blessing bestowed upon me in God's will, and everytime I question myself, I always come back with an empty canvas. No answer. But now I found something. Maybe I'm holding onto something God himself has been trying to tear away from me: Homosexuality. If this is so...I worry. How will I live without all that I know. I'm not afraid to say yes to His will, but I'm more afraid to say no to what I thought was me. It's hard, because I struggle with two opposong worlds....the physically one that encourges me to be who I am and live without regret...and the spiritual which tells me this is not of me, and for that you must suffer and bear the the consequences. It's frightening. I'm lost between something I can see and feel, something tangible, and something I can only trust through faith and hope. Why must life be so difficult? To make matters worse, "he" has entered my life yet again, and I feel, rather I know something will arise from it. Lord knows I want it. But to whom will I answer "Yes?"
Friday, September 08, 2006
For those of you out there, who are still searching like myself----Don't loose hope. God hears you, he know what you're in need of, and he's gonna give it to you. If God so loves the world, he'll find a place in his own love to share love with you.
"Dandelion"--Tevin Campbell
--So Fa Real--
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Those sharp heart-felt pangs nearing desperation
Wasting time and some tears
And tryna release myself from the aching that only I feel
My pleads and damn near begs
Meant nothing cause you still went out
And found some otha nigga against your will
I said I was sorry for what I did
Poured my heart out to you....swore my life to you
Anything you'd ask of me I probably give
I just wanted you to understand....
hurting you was never in my plan
My soul was weak, Heart even weaker
Yet I still knew and you remained....
The truth and only Man
Baby all I want is your love for me
Your heart to stay with me
And promise I'll always be down for you
You had me from hello....
And hopefully one day you'll realize
You can have me til' Goodbye.