I wish I'd never come back here
'cause the pain I left
just rang me up, said 'Wassup'
replagued my soul
'cause the pain I left
just rang me up, said 'Wassup'
replagued my soul
Then said to me 'Welcome Back'
I wish I'd never come back here
'cause every night when I lay my body down to sleep
I rest in a river
a river of my own blood, my own sweat
but mostly my own tears
from the horrid days and dreaded nights
when you'd beat my mind, kill my spirit
and burn every dream I had
'til all was left was but a hole
I wish I'd never come back here
to relive the murder you committed to my heart
you raped my mind
assaulted my thoughts
shoved me down back to dirt
then spat me shame
never allowing me my strength to regain
I wish I'd never come back here
because I'm a coward for not blaming you
for failing me in my youth
cursing me as a man
disillusioned by the reality that I am but what I am
and whether you love me or not
God is my Man
holding me tight in every night
whispering to me those things that you refuse
I wish I'd never come back here
but here I am
standing in this room that burns my flesh
throbbing in my brain
feeling prisoner to this place I know as home