Saturday, June 02, 2007

I don't know, y'all . 'Mr. Man' could be somethin' special. Like fa real, now, we are really trippin' on each other. I went on my first date ever last week, and it was real special. He's such a cutie, beautiful smile, beautiful face, niggas just beautiful. At first I wasn't really trippin on him because he wasn't callin' me. And when a nigga don't call, I feel like that's a sure sign that he don't want yo ass. So, I was like, that's cool. I had figured that maybe he was again, just a dude wantin' to get in my pants (which I gotta stop lettin' happen to me. I've already blogged about this, but like I said I already know better). Anyways, we had a real chill time at this restaurant and I really got to see a part of him, that I had no idea existed. He reminded me so much of myself, man. Like all smiles, happy, free dude. And he's really sweet to people. He kept telling me how intelligent I was, how he knew I could aspire for greatness in my life. People tell me shit like this all the time, but it's nice comin' from him because it felt real sincere. So, of course, I was cheesin' all over, which he adored. He read my palm, telling me he sees love from this really handsome dude, with a great smile...yadda yadda...I was like how you know...but it was cute. O my Gosh, he held my hand in front of all these hickish-lookin' people. I was soo nervous. I'm like nigga...we're in Texas, c'mon. But he didn't even care, which made me real happy.

I'm not tryna jinx anything, but I like him. I really missed him this last week, and I found out he missed me too. So, we chillin' again this weekend. Real excited. I'll be back with the details...

So Fa Real

1 comment:

Dayne Avery said...

Enjoy the ride. Congrats on the first date. Hope you dont mind but I had to live through you while I was reading because that's the closest I want to get to a date right

Hope this guy keeps on treating your right and making your feel those butterflies.